Friday, January 6, 2012

Don't let your storm-damaged roof stress you out!

When storms hit, they usually leave a lot of damaged properties behind. If a storm passed by your area and you fear that your roof might have been damaged, consider doing the following first:

  1. Safety first! Don't go up the roof to inspect it yourself. The roof is unsafe especially when it is damaged, so going up is a no-no. Instead, take your binoculars or peek through a window to have a look at the damage.
  2. Take photos! Insurance claims adjusters find photos very helpful when assessing the damage acquired by your roof. Take a picture of your roof from downstairs or from a window, take a picture of the grounds (look for damage on your car or lawn appliances), and take a picture of other signs of roof damage like a stained ceiling or a wet attic floor.
  3. Keep track of everything! Take note of the date when the storm hit, the time it hit your area, and other details like power outages during the storm. These are helpful information for your claims adjuster as well.
Once you have done all these, you can give your local Kentucky roofing company for immediate repairs. Be sure to look for a company that do not just offer roofing services, but would go beyond that by helping you with your insurance claims.

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